
COVID-19 Update

Date: April 20, 2020 

To all of our Valued Customers and Suppliers:

As an ongoing update to our previous communications of March 12th& March 24thwith respect the COVID-19 (novel Coronavirus), we would like to make you aware of our continuing efforts in this current situation. With regards to our status as an essential business, The American Chemistry Council (ACC) confirmed that the US Department of Homeland (DHS)security has identified the U.S. chemical industry and its workers as Essential Critical Infrastructure, an industry sector critical to public health and safety, economic and national security. In its March 19, 2020 "Memorandum on Identification of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During COVID-19 Response," the Agency recognized the chemical manufacturing sector and its employees as having "a special responsibility to maintain your work schedule." DHS expects the chemical industry to continue normal operations, while following CDC workforce and customer protection guidance.

Our Employees:

There is no current negative impact on our operation at any of our locations. Our warehouses are currently open and operational, and our headquarters is operational with limited staff in compliance with the NJ shelter in place edict. Due to various state specified regulations, the majority of our employees are currently working from home and are equipped with the necessary technology to conduct business as usual. We have communicated our policy to our employees to monitor their own health and if the initial signs of the virus are present, to seek immediate medical attention and to self-quarantine. RE Carroll continues to monitor and implement where possible CDC guidelines. We are also finalizing our response plans in the unfortunate event any of our facilities are affected which would potentially impact our ability to ship material to our customers

Our Vendors / Suppliers:

Our petroleum-based materials are primarily sourced domestically and to date there have been no COVID-19 related supply or workforce issues. The remaining materials may be either domestic or foreign sourced. We continue to monitor our key suppliers and will advise customers if we begin to see concerns that would affect supply.

Our Customers:

We are here to help you with your raw material needs, and if there are any urgent needs for products or to adjust scheduled deliveries, please contact us so we may assist you. We consider many of our products essential to the various efforts to combat the COVID-19 virus. If we have supply issues, which may affect your shipments, we will reach out to you in advance to review.

As conditions change, this posting will be updated.

Please contact your Technical Sales Representative if you have any additional questions or concerns.


Robert E Carroll III
